Saturday, April 7, 2012


Nearly 3 in the morning and I have almost no intention of falling asleep anytime soon, though I'm exhausted.

Just sinking into a deep, dark, hallow abyss; not sure when I'll find the motivation to snap the fuck out of it. Maybe later. Everything's maybe later. Homework? Maybe later. Dinner? Maybe later. Bed? Maybe later. Wake up? Maybe later. I went about a month without doing any laundry. I finally did it, but right now I'm just staring at the bin of clean, unfolded clothes, apathetically accepting the fact that, no, they will never get put away, and I can just rummage out of the hamper for a few weeks until I find it absolutely necessary to wash them again.

I tried writing tonight and all I ended up doing was figuring out a few songs on the piano. Which was actually not the worst thing; "Laughing With" by Regina Spektor. "I'll Catch You," and "Montana" by Rocky Votolato. "I'll Catch You" tears my insides up.

I have my senior guitar recital in two weeks.... HAA!!!! What a good joke to play on myself.

Yeaaah. Graduation can not come soon enough.

Dear Me, I would really enjoy for you to be over this little phase you're going through. Call me when you're ready to gtfu. Thnx. Lisa