Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Flea Market Adventures - DIY Booth Display

Last weekend, Noffy and I participated in our first ever Flea Market... and let me tell you, it was an adventure. 

Firstly, allow me to preface with this - we had a blast and we really, really enjoyed ourselves and we WILL be doing it again this weekend. We met a handful of awesome folks - both customers and fellow sellers. And we made a few bucks. But their were certainly some obstacles. 

I spent all of Thursday before the market setting up the above layout in our living room. It was nice to be able to visualize everything before we got there, and it gave me a handle on my inventory (which I had really lost control of.) I think the set-up looked pretty snazzy, but it was fairly difficult to transfer it all from our apartment to the flea market. The loading and unloading was simply exhausting - from hauling everything down the apartment stairwell, to puzzle-piecing everything into the Subaru, to unloading into the booth, and then all over again once the weekend was through. We woke up Monday feeling like we had been mauled by a grizzly bear. 

But every problem has a solution. After some brainstorming and some heavy Pinteresting, we began to create a more portable booth display. 

This is the first of the displays Noffy will make (I say "Noffy" because, let's be honest, I can't do that Bob the Builder magic.) Each part is connected by a bolt and nut, allowing us to take it apart and easily transfer it into the car. 

The purses are simply hung by nails, which I think adds a great rustic vibe (and also hardly cost a thing.) All together, making this display cost about $35 - thanks Home Depot for your cheap wood!

Noffy will be making a smaller version of this display to hang our belts. Can't wait!

We'll be at the Nashville Farmers Market again this weekend selling these lovely purses and belts, so come by and say hello!

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